Friday, April 06, 2007

The price that Christ paid

I've been realizing more and more that I do not "get it". Christ's death on the cross is easy to talk about as if I do "get it", but I don't. I don't get the depth and severity of my sin. I don't get the sacrifice He made when He literally suffered and was beaten and died on the cross. I don't get what it must have been like for Him to have be separated from the Father for three days before conquering death. I just don't get it.

If I did, I think my life would be drastically different.

I've already said before that if I truly "got it", there is no way I could let a single person enter and exit my life – even for a brief moment – without telling them what Christ had done for them.

If I truly got it, I would be different. I would not miss a single moment of time with Him. I would not ever conciously choose sin or to disobey a direction from the Holy Spirit.

On a practical note, I would never inwardly groan when Peyton asked me to pray one more time for something, and I would take every opportunity to read her Bible to her, tell her stories and pray with her.

I want to "get it".

I don't just want an emotional, watch The Passion and cry, experience. I want to truly understand, in the depths of my soul, the depravity of my own sin (although I often think that if God did show me it all at once, the weight would be too much to bear) and what Christ's sacrifice really means.


kimberly said...

i just had a second to read this before i ran out the door for our good friday service, but i'm glad i was able to skim it. i was thinking about it during the service...on one hand, i do get it. but then your concept of if we did really get it, our lives would be really different. i think i have a hard time understanding what it is to be "relevant" (current churchy buzz word) and non-crazy vs. doing what maybe is required of us....and maybe i don't quite get that right now. i think my idea of what i thought i was supposed to do is much different than it was ten years ago. not really in the end goal, but more-so how i go about doing it, what the true purpose is, etc. i don't know. i obviously haven't really thought this all through, as you can tell... :D

Mandi, Sean, Peyton, Dylan and Parker said...

I get what you're saying here. Maybe that first example was extreme...I probably wouldn't preach at every person who came in to my life, but I do think I'd be more aware of it, KWIM? I'd pray for them, I'd pray for opportunities to share, I'd pray for the right people to cross my path, etc.

I just feel like I take it for granted, I guess.

kimberly said...

no, i get what you were getting at. i feel like the other thing to pray about (for me, at least) would be to also be praying about the time to share with someone. even when i feel that urging, i think "oh, i don't have time..." and i guess that's the whole part of "getting it..." ;)

Unknown said...

Hi, I wanted to introduce myself, as I saw your comment on "Making Home" about Titus Two. I am an "older woman", and have started a blog based on Titus Two. Feel free to visit!
God Bless!